Who We Are
We are an international trio of “Interpreteers” on a swashbuckling crusade to merge the fields of interpretation and design into a new profession -- Experiential Interpretive Design. Like a good quiche our work utilizes some basic ingredients and then adds unique flavours for each site. Much of our inspiration comes from our work with Steve Van Matre and his thought provoking book, Interpretive Design and the Dance of Experience, that pushes for a new perspective of interpretive design quality and integrity.
☼ We are passionate change agents wanting to enrich people, communities and the environment
☼ We are visitor engagement coaches willing to take risks for better human-place connections
☼ We are curiosity catalysts always searching for perspective - changing conversation starters
Lars Wohlers
Interpreteer Lars of Germany established KON-TIKI: Interpretive Planning, Evaluation, and Training decades ago when he discovered literature, training and organizations were sorely missing for European interpretive professionals. Now his work is known throughout the world’s largest multi-cultural continent.
Bill Reynolds
Bill of Canada is our wandering Interpreteer who continues to analyze visitor -serving heritage sites on every continent (except Antarctica). This Canuck infuses a dramatic flair to his coaching style while drawing on a solid base of heritage tourism planning blended with a visitor service philosophy.
Mike Mayer
Mike of the Wild West is an Interpreteer who likes to bring message cohesion and organization to schools, outdoor centers, and collection sites through focused educational programs and offerings with specific outcomes in mind…when he's not hiking and exploring canyons.