Go for multitasking not just in your personnel, but from your building shell. Demand double duty from your support furniture, walls, and doors. The essence of your site needs to emanate from as many visitor interaction points as possible.
Photo credit: Bill Reynolds
In the previous post we saw how arresting a colourful wall display in a stairwell can be. Allow your walls a chance to engage with the visitor , however caution must be taken when reading is concerned and one is climbing ! Do you have any wall space that could be refreshed and turned into a stimulating quote?
Photo credit: Bill Reynolds
Sliding doors in a bread museum - why not fill them with wheat , as this interpretive centre did in Portugal, to reinforce in the visitors’ minds the connection to where bread comes from.
Photo credit: Bill Reynolds
Elevator doors: let them provide a landscape for getting your message across. The corporate guys do it- why not not-for-profits?
Phto credit: Bill Reynolds
Benches can do more than provide a rest amenity- they can be a conversation piece or an interpretive billboard for your visitor. Selfie anyone?
Send us your examples of double duty creative benches, walls and doors for sharing in the comments section.