Free Coaching: Don’t Delay

Your site welcome and orientation sets the stage for all the visitor interactions you are having or not having. This is a critical component allowing for successful interpretation that is not given enough importance.

If you are open to discussing the Welcome and Orientation at your site with the EID Coaches, we will offer you 30 minutes of free coaching time to provide feedback on whatever aspect of your Welcome and Orientation you want to enhance. Take a look at the questions below and send us some quick notes at

We will set up a mutually agreeable time to meet with you.

Three Questions to Ponder:

·         At present, how does your Welcome and Orientation strive to make your visitors feel at home, so they are ready to be inspired and engaged with the site?


·         Which aspects of the Welcome and Orientation might not be meeting your site’s or visitors’ needs?


·         What changes have you been considering for your Welcome and Orientation?


If you want to get a sense of our approach to Welcome and Orientation, you can review our blog posts “Sharing Ways to Greet the Guests”

“Sharing Ways to Greet the Guests – Part 2.”

In summary, we explored the concept of the Arrival Sequence: entrance (gate, lobby, plaza), parking lot, and admission/front desk. We shared…

·       new ideas to solve existing arrival issues

·       practical ways to improve your site’s initial visitor experience

·       techniques to decrease “threshold fear,” stress, and anxiety in your guests

·       ways to “lay down a welcome mat”

Check them out then SEND US A NOTE !